Carrying the Pan Am Games 2016 Torch for Canada and Chippewas of Rama First Nation: Walter Henry, Glenda Snache, Myrna Watson, Allison Sawyer, James Simcoe, Jessica (Birdie) Snache and Byron Stiles. For more info, v...
On the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Proclamation of 1763, Chief Justice Murray Sinclair discusses the Proclamation and its implications for the nation-to-nation relationships between the Indigenous peoples of Turtle...
Allan Ojiig Corbiere, Bne Doodeman, Mchigiing Njibaa, discusses Wampum Belts and their direct relevance to the relationships between Indigenous peoples and Canada. Wampum Belts are living symbols of our solemn treaty...
Maurice Switzer shares a presentation with Simcoe County District School Board teachers on the International Treaties between Canada and Indigenous nations. Maurice's book, 'We Are All Treaty People' (published by Go...
On the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Proclamation of 1763, Chief Justice Murray Sinclair discusses the Proclamation and its implications for the nation-to-nation relationships between the Indigenous peoples of Turtle...
Water Treatment Plant Manager, Ted Benson takes us on a tour of how water is made safe at Rama's facility. Hosted by Nancy King.
Outreach conducts community visioning on Restoring Traditional Ecological Knowledge (RTEK) in Rama. Community Meeting on March 22, 2017 at Rama Community Hall. Overview.
In 2010, Chippewa Tri-Council (CTC) communities gather in Rama to commemorate the settlement of the Coldwater-Narrows Land Claim. Music: Mnjikaning Kendaaswin Choir.
Promo video from the Unity Powwow held in Huntsville, Ontario on June 21st, 2010, in honour of the G8 Summit there. Voice-over written and performed by John Snake (ban). Video appearance and accompanying dialogue by...
An Anishinaabemowin (Anishinaabe/Ojibway language) teaching video. Topic: Giigoonh (Fish). Special Miigwech (thank you) to Emerson Benson-Nanagishgung, Anishinaabemowin teacher and Elder. Created by the Culture &a...
Unveiling of the Huronia Lookout Icon, named, 'Wiidookdaadiwin', at the Simcoe County Museum in Minesing, Ontario. Wiidookdaadiwin is an Ojibway word, chosen by elders of the Chippewa Tri-Council, meaning, 'working t...
A short glimpse into the wonderful community of Chippewas of Rama First Nation. Miigwech (gratitude...) for watching! Music by 'Chippewa Travellers Singers', from our live webcast recording at Rama Pow Wow 2015. Ge...